Kamis, 15 Maret 2012

Buku Kosong Teraris di Dunia

Sebuah buku berjudul 'What Every Man Thinks About Apart From Sex' (apa yang pria pikirkan selain sex) secara mengejutkan menjadi Best Seller atau kategori terlaris di situs Amazon.

Seberapa baguskah isinya…???

Begitu sampulnya dibuka kita hanya menemukan halaman putih hingga ke halaman terakhir.

Buku yang memiliki 200 halaman ini ternyata blank, alias kosong, alias tidak ada tulisan nya sama sekali. Buku tersebut dijual seharga £ 4,69 (hampir Rp 59.000).

"Buku itu memberikan kebebasan kepada kita kaum laki-laki untuk mengisi sendiri sesuai dengan judulnya," kata Sheridan menjelaskan idenya.

"Dan saya tidak menyangka buku ini bisa mengalahkan buku-buku yang sudah ditulis oleh orang-orang jenius dengan pemikiran yang brilian dari segi penjualan." tutur Sheridan Simove tamatan Oxford.

Minggu, 04 Maret 2012

Troll Face: It’s Origin and it’s Creator, Whynne.

Trollface hit the internet by storm since 2008. It has claim many victims along the way and is arguably, more popular than the IPad and IPhone and IWhatever that you are holding on.

And here, we look at it’s origin.

The Original Comic

This is what started the global phenomenon. A wrinkled face with a huge smile which looks startlingly similar to joker in batman, it invaded and penetrated websites and leave ever lasting memories. Well, whether the memories are good is debatable.

What is Trollface?

Trollface is a cheeky fellow, smiling so wide, his ridiculous wrinkles are only overshadowed by his enormous chin. His signature catchphrases — “U MAD?” and “PROBLEM?” – are often written to incite more madness and insanity than there may have been without him. If you’ve ever been sass-pantsed, you’ve probably seen a Trollface icon near it, accompanied by some variation of “lololol.” He exists for the sole purpose of lulz, and can be therapeutic when used in moderation.

And the Creator speaks..

Q: How did Trollface come to be?
Whynne: Originally, Trollface was an accurate representation of how some individuals, when engaging in a community known for having a large presence of trolls, use the pretense of trolling to excuse themselves from poor reasoning. Often times, this takes the form of two members engaging in a debate, where one, upon the realization that his arguments no longer hold up, claims that he was merely trolling you for his amusement. Trolling had essentially become the ultimate cop-out and the new Godwin’s law for Internet debate.
The original comic was a humorous way to make it easier for people to understand and deal with these kinds of situations, and I think the overwhelmingly positive response showed that it was effective. Any time that same situation played out, it was pretty much guaranteed that my comic would get posted, and people could laugh about it and leave the thread without being frustrated.
This rise in visibility led to the comic getting edited and reposted. People were particularly fond of the grinning face which, at the time, had no name. It eventually became a separate entity and has since come to represent the humorous and mischievous side of trolling.
Q: What’s the best way to get in the spirit of Trollface?
Whynne: It’s hard to say. It means a lot of different things in various contexts, but the common theme among them is that people naturally enjoy toying with each other and looking for a certain response. Sometimes it can be funny, sometimes it can be downright frustrating, but the important thing to keep in mind is to learn to recognize it when it happens and laugh at it in hindsight. It’s just the Internet, after all, and there’s really only so much a troll can do. I hope that didn’t sound like a public safety announcement.
Q: Did you ever imagine that Trollface would take off the way it has?
Whynne: Definitely not in the way that is has now. It’s far from what I’d call a sensation, but it’s safe to say that it has become a rather popular joke with Internet goers. Most of the time it shows up, I’m not credited, which is a mixed bag. On one hand, you really want people to know you made it, but on the other, there’s no way to do it without seeming overly-possessive and self-important.After all, it wasn’t a significant effort on my part. It was ultimately the userbase that made it popular, so in that sense, it belongs to everyone.
Q: How does it feel to continue to see Trollface re-imagined in various forms?
*Whynne: It’s pretty validating to see the people I look up to find something I made worthy of re-rendering.Most recently, I saw The Incredible Hulk making a little Trollface on a recent issue of Deadpool, and prior to that, Edmund McMillen made a Trollface planet as his “Teh Internets” map select screen and title card in Super Meat Boy.
Q: Where did the “U MAD?” and “Problem?” catchphrases come from? Were you involved in their creation?
*Whynne: I can’t really say where the former came from, though I’m pretty sure its origins aren’t traceable to any one specific post or picture. “Problem?” on the other hand was from the “coolface” comic edit. I obviously wasn’t involved, but I can say that those catchphrases are definitely better fits for the face when it’s taken out of its original context.
[from deviantart where Trollface merchandises are currently being sold]
source: http://nbnl.globalwhelming.com/2011/04/02/troll-face-origin-creator-whynne/

Jumat, 02 Maret 2012

Trik sukses menaikkan rating di pencarian google

  1. Kata kunci dalam judul halaman.
  2. Kata kunci dalam heading halaman. (h1, h2, h3, dll)
  3. Kata kunci dalam nama domain.
  4. Kata kunci dalam nama file di halaman, gambar atau konten lainnya.
  5. Kata kunci menggunakan huruf tebal, huruf miring dan bergaris bawah pada artikel.
  6. Kata kunci dalam teks alt untuk foto-foto/gambar.
  7. Kata kunci dalam teks warna berbeda / ukuran.
  8. Variasi kata kunci pada halaman (misalnya: eat, ate, eaten, eating, eater, dll)
  9. Kepadatan kata kunci pada halaman.
  10. Tampilkan kata kunci di atas setengah dari halaman/artikel.
  11. Kata kunci pada meta tag description.
  12. Kata kunci dalam meta tag keywords.
  13. Keunikan judul halaman, deskripsi dan buat kata kunci yang melink ke halaman lain dari situs kita.
  14. Usia domain.
  15. Umur dari halaman.
  16. TLD dari domain. (Contoh: Domain .co.id akan lebih baik di peringkatgoogle.co.id)
  17. Lokasi Hosting.
  18. PageRank dari situs.
  19. Kualitas konten. (yang ditulis dengan baik, informatif, tidak duplikat)
  20. Jumlah link balik ke situs kita.
  21. Kualitas (PR) dari link balik.
  22. Anchor teks yang digunakan untuk link balik.
  23. Judul teks (jika ada) yang digunakan untuk link balik.
  24. Umur dari backlink.
  25. Dimana backlink muncul di halaman. (halaman atas, bawah halaman, dll)
  26. Apakah link balik terdapat dalam konten atau diluar konten.
  27. Jumlah total link pada halaman yang terhubung ke situs kita.
  28. Backlink dari situs yang relevan atau satu topik dengan situs kita.
  29. Relevansi kata kunci dengan subyek utama dari keseluruhan situs web.
  30. Waktu meloading situs. (server response time dan ukuran halaman)
  31. Ketersediaan server.
  32. Link keluar. (kemana kita melakukan link? Apakah link berhubungan dengan topik kita?)
  33. Jumlah halaman di situs.
  34. Link antara halaman satu dengan yang lainnya pada situs kita.
  35. Internal link ke halaman utama. (ini akan meningkatkan peringkat halaman utama)
  36. Berapa banyak orang yang kembali dari situs kita ke mesin pencari setelah melakukan pencarian untuk sebuah kata kunci.
  37. Jumlah halaman internal link pada halaman. (tidak lebih dari 100)
  38. Jumlah eksternal link pada halaman. (coba untuk meminimalkan)
  39. Link balik dari domain .gov dan .edu.
  40. Gunakan "-" tanda hubung (dan bukan "_" garis bawah) di nama file.
  41. Seberapa sering situs tersebut diperbarui.
  42. Duplikat konten dari sumber lain. (efek negatif)
  43. Menghubungkan ke situs yang buruk seperti situs porno dll. (efek negatif)
  44. Link balik dari DMOZ dan Yahoo direktori.
  45. Menghapus halaman secara tidak benar (link mati di situs) 301/302 redirect. (efek negatif)
  46. Kode HTML yang baik dan mudah dibaca oleh mesin pencari.
  47. Sejarah domain. (apa telah melakukan hal-hal buruk di masa lalu?)

Domain Gratis " .Com" Tanpa Perlu Membayar

Domain Gratis " .Com" Tanpa Perlu Membayar

Domain Gratis .COM sobat ada cara untuk membuat domain .COM gratis loh...
caranya hanya dengan mencari refferial orang saja..iseng2 lumayan lagi nih..
anda tinggal kunjungi situs ini http://www.FreePremiumDomain.com/?r=512352

pilih domain nya ada .COM .ORG .NET dan banyak lagi..sobat isi dulu biodatanya hanya perlu registrasi..gratis

setelah itu ajak orang mendaftar menggunakan referial link kamu

selamat mencoba sob...